Thursday, November 15, 2007

We have books

Why, you may ask, is he sitting there with a beatific look on his face and a glass of champagne in his hand? Is it because it’s November 15, the Feast of St Albert the Great, philosopher, theologian and 13th century Wikipedia, who spent his whole life writing down ALL the knowledge that there was in the world at the time? (I’d like to see you do it today Bert.) No, he’s rejoicing because he arrived in Villefranche, switched on his answering machine, and heard an unmistakeable Australian voice saying that his books had arrived.
So for the benefit of those who were as worried as we were that we might have to hold a book signing without books, I’m breaking with tradition and posting on consecutive days. Thanks Indian Ocean, Rosie, DHL and Wells Fargo – I don’t have to sign pages of sticky labels after all. Cheers.


Anonymous said...

WHoo hoo!! Congratulations TEd!

Tuscan Traveller said...

Yeah - relief all around. So it's all systems to go for tomorrow. It was so close to egg-on-face day that I was thinking of having a sickie. (The only Plan B was to sign pages of sticky labels for later attachment.)

Anonymous said...

Glad you didn't have to do that. I got Bob Feller's autograph that way.

Tuscan Traveller said...

Thanks White. It looks interesting. I made a mental note at the time that I'd get some book plates ready for such emergencies, but like most of my mental notes thats as far as it got. From your handle it sounds as if you could be an authority in such things.
I've thought the right design might be an "ex libris" with two spaces - one for the owner and one for the author. Does it exist? (I use Labelzone for plain whites.)