Saturday, November 04, 2006

The japes of Roth

It's all right about the monograms - two pages later I found that Roth was being ironic. The hero, when the super-confident lawyer finishes giving his advice, says, 'I never again want to hear your self-admiring voice or see your smug fucking lily-white face'. So much for monogrammed shirts - but he sure had me fooled. So not only do I have sluggish reading habits - they're not very perceptive either.


Anonymous said...

DOn't feel bad, Ted- I think a lot of people who SAY they get Roth don't really get him , they just SAY they do so they don't tget laughed at by those who DSO get him.
And I don't get him either.

Anonymous said...

Jury's still out, Ed. But I guess you don't have to get ALL of him. Like Dylan Thomas - you can put up with a lot of drunken ramblings if you also get a Milk Wood or Do not go Gentle...

Anonymous said...

Jury's still out, Ed. But I guess you don't have to get ALL of him. Like Dylan Thomas - you can put up with a lot of drunken ramblings if you also get a Milk Wood or Do not go Gentle...

Anonymous said...

Must do something about this Parkinson's

Anonymous said...

Must do something about this Parkinson's

Anonymous said...

Ah Dylan Thomas. That tortured, talented soul who never found rest because he wouldn't allow himself to.
NEver read much of him either.
I probably should.

Side note- your blog is blank when I try to access it from home. It currently works if I'm at work.
Let's blame DT.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes - and 'A Child's Christmas in Wales'. And best Last Words last words I know: 'I've just drunk 18 whiskeys - I think it's a record'.
Sorry about the reception - I'll do what I can. Meanwhile don't give up the day job.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

IT's BACK! ;)